With no changes to base objects upgrading Easy Security in most cases is very simple. Just import the new objects to the database and compile all objects with ES* in the Version List. If an object exists with Modified=Yes or other modifications a NAV developer must look at merging the changes. For upgrade from older versions detailed instructions is available in the documentation NAV Easy Security Documentation and FAQs.
All Mergetool.com software is released based on the first executable version of the NAV version. After importing the objects in a newer CU or build compile the NAV Easy Security objects (filter on the "Version List"="ES*" and compile all objects).
Business Central introduce new ways to develop code with extensions and new concepts for security too. Follow this Easy Security in Business Central page for our plans to support the current and future Business Central features and versions.
A license with NAV Easy Security modules is
required to use NAV Easy Security by a customer. A customer license
must include the following modules:
Perpetual Licensing: "Starter Pack"
"BRL Business Essentials" and "BRL Advanced Management"
licensing: "Foundation Pack"
"Module Based" licensing: "3010 Basic General Ledger", "1400 User
IDs & Passwords" and "1410 Permissions"
Watch this YouTube video to see how to upgrade to NAV Easy Security 2.0 from an earlier version. New documentation is available with current screenshot in the NAV Easy Security 2.0 Documentation link.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.57) Released 2019 10/4)
The Update Summary Permissions Menu Item has been added to
the Advanced Menu on some Forms and Pages.
NAV 2016 and Later: A new Report has been added to convert User
Groups to Permission Groups and update the Logins.
BC 14 (2019 Spring): UsageCategory has been added on the Pages to
have a Search on the Web-Client
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.55) Released 2018 10/5)
Business Central 13.0/14.0 version of NAV Easy Security has
been released. The Quick Security and Minimum Login have been
updated to include new tables.
The "Data Security Description" field was not calculated correctly.
This has been changed.
If no company was found with a "Summary Calculation Company Filter"
was an error shown. This has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.54) Released 2018 7/30)
The "Get New Data From Live" has been added to some screens
to make it easier to access.
The NAS Processing Entries can now have Comments.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.53) (Released 2018 7/13)
The Option String on the Summary Result Line was not
correct for a change made in last version. This has been corrected.
NAV 2018 CU6 and later: The Recording feature in NAV 2018
was recording too much. This has been corrected in NAV 2018 CU6. A
codeunit must be imported only in NAV 2018 CU6 executable or later, the change
was not made backward
compatible from Microsoft.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.52) (Released 2018 5/11)
The filtering for object relations has been updated to
include more tables.
Some texts have been changed.
Limited License Objects has been updated to also include NAV 2018
A few tables have been added to default Segregation of Duties.
More than 100 tables have been added to Quick Security for NAV
A new function to create Summary Calculation Lines based on a
Recording has been added.
New Options for Access Type has been added the Summary Calculation
A Function has been added to all versions of NAV Easy Security to
add multiple members to a Field Level and Data Security Group.
Publish Permissions and Copy Data Between Companies menuitems have
been added to some pages.
Very long messages could cause the Publish Selected to fail. This
has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.51) (Released 2018 4/30)
A function can now copy from a Permission Set to another.
This Function copy/merge both Builder Permissions and Recordings.
The Init value of “Always Add Missing from Fields” and “Always Add
Miss. from Metadata” in the Security Setup has be set to No. If
ES1.41.47 was installed is it suggested to reset the value to No,
unless Extensions or code that cannot be exported and scanned by the
Source Code Analysis.
The Name on a Role Group and Company Group has been extended to
allow storing up to 250 characters.
Duplicate Access Controls can now be removed, with a new function,
from a Login if the same Permission Set is assigned directly and as
part of a Group.
NAV 2017 or later: A function can now copy User Groups from standard
NAV after installation on Easy Security. This also include the
assignment to Logins and Duplicate Access Controls is removed.
The Function to “Get New Data from Live” and “Get New Companies from
Live” is now creating Company Groups if a company is not included in
any Group already.
NAV 2016 and Later: Comments was missing when importing Permission
Sets. This has been changed.
The message when exporting Field Level Security Codes and Data
Security Codes was not correct. This has been changed.
User Security Setup, Group Member and User Filter can now be
Exported and Imported.
NAV 2017 and later: A function can now add multiple Users to a Group
in Field Level and Data Security.
A problem occurred during Source Code Analysis if a Function name
started with @. This has been corrected.
The Company Group Lines FactBox now show the field “Company Exists”.
The Menu Item for Export and Import has been moved to a group on
some pages.
The Control Caption can now be sorted by Clicking on the column when
designing Field Level Security Codes.
NAV RTC: The Status Windows has now been extended to show more
information in the progress.
New translation files has been released. NAV 2017 and later now have
additional translations for the extra MenuSuites.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.47) (Released 2018 3/5)
Segregation of Duties permission sets has been tested and
verified for NAV 2018. This has been done for W1, NA, DE, DK and UK
databases. The Permission Sets now works from NAV 2009 R2 to NAV
2018. Combined with the Source Code Analysis are these very useful
and save a lot of time.
Many comment based on automatic functions was added with a recent
version of NAV Easy Security, this was not always wanted. A new
field "Detailed Comments" has been added to Security Setup. If this
field has a checkmark is all the automatic comments still added else
is only comments related to user actions added.
A field in the ES Comment table was editable by mistake, this has
been changed.
New Objects for NAV 2018 has been added to the Minimum Login
Permissions functions.
A new field "Origin" has been added to the ES Relation Table. This
is used by a new function to add Table Relations Metadata. This
function in NAV 2017 and later allow adding relations for Extensions
to the NAV Easy Security calculations.
When using "Get Relations from Source Code" is the function for
adding Missing Relations from Field and Table Relations Metadata
also run. This ensure that Table objects that cannot be exported to
text is working very similar.
Additional information has been added to the message for Source Code
The adding of code for Field Level and Data Security has been
updated to handle Events and other types of procedures.
If a Local Variable was added to the OnOpenPage function without any
code was wrong code generated for Field Level and Data Security.
This has been changed.
Additional MenuSuites with ID 1061 to 1070 has been added for NAV
2017 and later.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.44) (Released 2017 12/20)
NAV 2013 and later can now upload a file for Source Code
Analysis, Implement Changes in Code and Delete Changes in Code. This
require the "Max Upload Size" parameter on the NAV Server to allow
files of this size. The default is 30 MB that is not enough for
upload of a complete Source Code file from NAV.
A few menuitems has been added to the Field Level and Data Security
with All User Statistics and User Filters.
SQL Profiler Templates for SQL 2016 and SQL 2017 has been included.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.43) (Released 2017 12/04)
NAV 2018 version of NAV Easy Security has been released.
Other changes below was released on 11/14. New Segregation of Duties
Permission Sets are expected to be released in January 2018.
When Enable for Conflicting Code was enabled could existing
"bad" code using Lowercase false or true cause a problem executing
the page when Field Level Security code was added. This has been
corrected. To update existing pages run the "Delete Changes in Code"
process first for the affected pages (or all pages) and then run
"Implement Changes in Code".
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.42) (Released 2017 9/14)
It is now possible to only calculate Summary Results for
only some companies by adding a "Summary Result Company Filter" in
the Security Setup.
The FlowField showing Summary Results on the Logins is now only
showing the count with Access Complete.
Summary Calculation can now include Abilities. This makes it simpler
to build Violations.
A Created Date Time is now on a Summary Result to see the date and
time the data was calculated.
It is now possible to open the Object Where-Used and Assigned-From
function directly from a Summary Result.
The Change Password page was missing in the Minimum Login
Permissions. This has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.40) (Released 2017 9/1)
The codeunits created by the Implement Changes in Code
could get very large. It is now possible to break this into multiple
codeunits. This
YouTube video explain how this is used.
It is now possible to Set DBM Table No. for a single Source Table.
This allow to implement code changes for a single table.
NAV 2016 and later: The Direct Integration did not always worked
properly when an Extension was in the database. This has been
The Direct Integration now suggest to Update Login and Permission
Set before updating.
When doing Initial Setup of Field Level and Data Security in a
company is the checkmark for Copy Data checked when entering the
Easy Security Company name.
The create new user in the User Security Setup was missing some
fields in NAV RTC. This has been corrected.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.38) (Released 2017 8/16)
The check for system TableData when using Direct
Integration was too strict. This has been changed.
When the first function on a page was a Integration trigger was the
Field Level and Data Security code changed not implemented correct.
This has been changed.
NAV2017 and later: When entering a Dynamic Filter manually was an
error shown. This has been corrected.
NAV2017 and later: The empty template codeunit 14123814 for Dynamic
Filters needed a COMMIT to run properly. This has been added, The
Empty objects should never be imported in a database that already
has code changes implemented.
NAV 2018 only: Additional tables has been added to the Minimum Login
Permissions Function.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.37) (Released 2017 8/14)
When using Direct Integration was a Permission Set with
System Permissions causing an error. This has been corrected.
The User Filter table was missing in the default Quick Security
tables and the function to add Field Level and Data Security
The Security Filters was not shown correctly in the Summary
Permissions. This has been changed.
NAV 2013 and later: The Enter Filename page could show up Read-Only
and did not work if only Field Level and Data Security was
purchased. This has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.36) (Released 2017 6/21)
A NAS (NAV Application Server) has been available to
Publish Permissions and other tasks with NAV Easy Security for many
years. But with newer versions of NAV have the technical setup of a
NAS been increasingly complex with the Job Scheduler. A new codeunit
14123511 "ES NAS Start Codeunit" has been added to NAV Easy Security
to in a simple way have a NAS installed. This
YouTube video explain how this can be accomplished and in a
simple way allow limited access for people maintaining security in
Some of the options in the NAS Process Entry was not matching the
current terminology. This has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.35) (Released 2017 6/19)
It was possible to make the Object level and Quick Security
Permission Sets be maintained with the Permission Set Builder. This
has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.34) (Released 2017 5/31)
When implementing changes for Field Level and Action
security was properties already used skipped. This has been changed
so code that allow both the existing code and the Field Level and
Action security code to work at the same time. Especially with NAV
2017 where many pages were using the properties was that a problem.
With the new code is the removal function still working as usual. To
use this new feature run the "Update Data" function on the Field
Level and Data Security Setup and run the "Implement Changes in
Code" process. A field "Enable for Conflicting Code" can also be
checked and un-checked manually.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.33) (Released 2017 3/28)
The Summary Results was not calculated correctly for
Indirect permissions to non licensed tables. This has been
corrected. After importing the new objects run the "Update Summary
Permissions" process and everything is calculated correct.
Minimum Login NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.32) (Released 2017 3/2)
The permissions for Minimum Login has been updated with a few
missing for NAV 2017. To update the "E_TECH_LOGIN" and "ES_QS_LOGIN"
use the function "Insert Minimum Login Permissions" from the Role
Builder screen.
The caption was missing for a few new fields.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.31) (Released 2017 2/22)
The installation wizard is now removing unrelated child
records automatically during install. The Test for Unrelated Child
Records has also been extended to include "blank" records".
The Minimum Login Permission have additional System TableData and
Tables added.
A table 487 was wrongly assigned Read-Only for Quick Security. This
has been changed.
The filter for Finance TableData is now including the Account
Schedule and other tables related to Financial Management.
Clean up has been done for V48 of the Segregation of Duties
Permission Sets. These Permission Sets are tested for NAV 2009 R2 to
NAV 2017.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.30) (Released 2017 2/12)
When updating the Limited license objects (Security Setup,
Advanced, Update Limited License Objects) was old records not
updated if the licensed did not have Indirect access any longer.
Microsoft have recently removed many tables from indirect access and
it is suggested to run this function after updating.
When installing Field Level Security was our code added last in the
OnOpenPage trigger. A few pages (Journal Lines) had an "EXIT" in the
code that caused our code not to run properly for Field Level and
Data Security in some cases. The code now adds a call in the
beginning of the OnOpenPage if an "EXIT" is found in the code. After
upgrading run the "Delete Changes in Code" and then "Implement Changes in Code" process to have this
The MenuSuite delivered for the Role Tailored Client had a problem
hiding some MenuItems (like the Services in 2015-2017), this has
been corrected.
New Segregation of Duties Permission Sets (V45) has been included
that works with NAV 2009 to NAV 2017. Use the function "Import (Add
New Recordings)" from the Permission Sets screen to update when
upgrading your solution to NAV 2017. This function is merging your
changes to the Permission Sets from an earlier version with the new
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.28) (Released 2017 1/11)
Summary Results based on Summary Permissions has been added
to NAV Easy Security. The Summary Calculations allow multiple
Summary Permissions to be required for a functional look
calculation. Sample Summary Calculations are included with the
latest release in the file “Summary Calculations V10.txt”. This has
touched many areas in the application and can be calculated for
Logins, Permission Sets, Permission Groups, Records, Live Users and
Live Permission Sets. A new field “Object Code” that is always using
the English text has been added to the Summary Permission table.
FactBoxes has been added to show Summary Results when editing Logins
and other places.
The adding of the Quick Security Login Permission Set was not done
correct. This has been changed.
Permissions for some ISV tables and code has been to the Minimum
Login Permissions.
The default Quick Security has been updated for the NAV 2017 code.
The code now check if a field is in the Table Definition during
install of Field Level and Data Security. This ensure Extensions
does not break the install engine.
Lookup in NAV 2009 was not always done correct for Forms and Pages,
this has been changed.
The Currency Code has been added to the User Filter.
Many screens has been optimized to have the Publish, Publish
Selected and Update Summary Permissions shown.
Some fields that was hidden has been added to help translate a Table
Number to a Table Caption.
The code to remove old Restore Points are now limited to maximum 10
Restore Points when Publishing. This prevent overflowing the SQL
transaction Log when activating this feature in an old database.
The Danish and German language modules has been proof read and
completely updated for this release. Other language (Dutch, French,
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish), has also been update but 2-10% is
not translated.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object Version
ES1.41.21) (Released 2016 11/1)
NAV 2017 version is now included with the latest NAV Easy
Security. The NAV 2017 introduce a very efficient way for recording
permissions. Create a new Recording Manually and Start Recording
your own session or another user. The user must be on the same
service tier.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version
ES1.41.21) (Released 2016 7/21)
A new set of functions has been added to the Relations and Variables
screens to filter for Financials Management, Sales, Purchase and
Inventory related objects. This is applying a filter for the primary
tables in that area. This can be very useful during initial setup of
Quick Security and Object Level Security.
A comment is being added when a Login or Permission Set is updated
with Direct Integration.
The "All Free Objects Role ID" was not tested properly for renaming
and manual changes, this has been changed.
Additional testing is added for a User to be able to use Direct
Table 336 has been removed from the Quick Security as a Read Only.
This must be applied manually in existing systems.
A very User name caused problem in the User Filter. This has been
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version
ES1.41.20) (Released 2016 5/14)
The Summary Permissions has been updated with reference and
drilldown to easy report and navigate from the Summary Permissions.
Summary Permissions has also been added to the Role Centers and
Department Menu. This allow for saving Views based on filters. This
can be used for easily find people that can "Post to G/L", "Create
Purchase Orders" and Many other things.
The function to Copy Data Between Companies now by default have
reduced the number of confirms.
The function to Implement Code Changes was not adding Data Security
Code if no controls was on the Form or Page. This has been changed.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version
ES1.41.19) (Released 2016 5/4)
The test for tables included when implementing code changes was too
strict. This has been corrected.
A Dialog was shown even when publishing from a NAS, this has been
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version
ES1.41.18) (Released 2016 5/4)
The Comment table in Logins and Permissions is now used to
track all changes done in the tables controlling permissions. The
new Fields "Allow Modify Comments" and "Allow Delete Comments" in
the Login Setup control which users is allowed to change the
automatically created records. The code to create comments has been
updated to completely track the changes. Manual created records in
the Comment table can still be modified without the additional
access granted by the Login Setup. Additional reference information
has been added to the Comments screen.
A new function to create data for tracking with the standard NAV
Change Log has been added to the "Security Setup" and the "Field
Level and Data Security Setup". This is very useful to activate all
the tables necessary for tracking changes to permissions. This
should be avoided in the Logins and Permissions part of the
application since the many extra records require more time for some
of the processes. In the Field Level and Data Security is the impact
When importing data was some of the fields wrongly initialized. This
has been corrected.
The Copy from Company for Field Level Security Codes and Data
Security Codes has been updated to only show the records that is
unique in a company.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version
ES1.41.17) (Released 2016 4/25)
Segregation of Duties Permission Sets including support for
NAV 2016 has been released. A few extra technical Permission Sets
for objects access has been added too. Use the “Import (Add New
Recordings)” to update existing permission sets.
It is now required to have the Table and the Form/Page code exported
during an “Implement Changes in Code”. This ensures Fields not
Editable on the table is handled properly.
A new field "Conflicting Code" has been added to the Controls table.
During installation of Field Level and Data Security is this field
populated with if other code is causing a conflict with the code
added by Field Level and Data Security.
New Builder Permissions are now also added during the “Import (Add
New Recordings)” of a Permission Set.
A new screen to view the License Permission Ranges has been added.
This is the system table 2000000044 Permission Range.
The code to validate “Copy User Groups” was not working properly.
This has been changed.
Only Tables in the range 1..1,999,999,999 can now be entered as
Source Table Setup for Field Level and Data Security. This prevent
problem with system tables that either cannot be exported or can
generate wrong code in our Codeunits. A Function ID problem has been
solved too.
Summary Permissions are now calculated for all TableData and Objects
that have Quick Security Type "No Access".
A function to add default Segregation of Duties tables has been
added to the Object Properties.
Field Level Security Codes and Data Security Codes can no longer be
When Copying Field Level Security Code and Data Security Codes to
the Install Company was all records shown. Now is only the records
shown that does not exists already.
The functions to add Object Properties for Quick Security has been
Additional comments have been added when importing Logins and
Permission Sets.
The Installation Wizard had problem with one of the Quick Security
Permission Sets when reinstalling, This has been corrected.
The Minimum Login Permissions has been updated to include what is
needed in NAV 2016.
The Limited User Objects has been updated to match Microsoft latest
list of included objects. The installation Wizard is also creating
the data during installation.
The default Quick Security has been updated to not include the
tables related to Security.
Very long Windows Group Names could cause problems in the code. this
has been changed.
Quick Security Type has been added as a FlowField in some tables.
This make it easy to look and filter on the data.
The comment for updating Expiry Date was repeated for each User
during Publishing. This has been changed.
Repeated controls could cause a problem with one of the generated
Codeunits. This has been changed.
NAV 2013 and later: Small correction to the MenuSuite.
NAV 2015 and later: A Version List field was not extended correctly
and could cause problems when publishing. This has been changed.
Language has been improved a few places.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version ES1.41.15) (Released 2015 9/22)
NAV 2016 objects was has been added 2015 11/3.
NAV 2016: The import of a SQL Trace from NAV 2016 is now creating the right recorded permissions.
The Objects screen under details now check for the proper setup and
a glue change has been made.
The Add Default Quick Security has been moved to the Advanced menu
in the Object Properties.
The Editable has been changed on some FactBoxes to avoid errors in
NAV 2009 R2.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version ES1.41.14) (Released 2015 9/17)
When adding Fields or Actions to a Field Level Security Code is a
question now asking for the level of access Edit,View,Hide.
When changing the "Substitute Filter Value" of a Data Security Code
is the "Always Substitute Filter Value" also changed accordingly.
This is the default to have the Security Filter work dynamically.
A fix added in ES1.40.33 to Field Level security was not working
properly in all cases. This has been corrected. Thanks to Kumavision
for finding and solving this.
A complete Italian language is now included with the NAV 2013 and
later. A small change to the terminology is done the Easy Security
Role Center.
NAV Easy Security 2.0 (Object version ES1.41.13) (Released 2015 9/10)
NAV Easy Security 2.0
YouTube video
Quick Security based on simple type on data and objects has been
added The Quick Security Type in the Object Properties controls the
building of the roles. With a few roles the complete NAV
security can be controlled. This is for Go-Live or when Segregation of
Duties is not needed. A default value for the Quick Security Type of
the NAV base objects is included. The Fields “Data Role ID
(Quick Security)”, “Data Read Role ID (Quick Sec.)”, “Data Super
Role ID (Quick Sec)”, “Object Role ID (Quick Sec.)” and “Login Role
ID (Quick Security)” create the roles. The new roles are added
during the normal setup wizard, for existing customers the data
upgrade process adds the roles.
It is now possible to update a single Login in Live like the Process
for updating a single role has existed for a while.
Direct Integration for Logins and Roles has been added. This allows
changing the data in Live without creating restore points. This is
intended for test environments where fast testing is required. This
must be activated in the Security Setup and Login Setup by checking
the fields “Direct Login Integration” and “Direct Role Integration”.
The field “Direct Int. No Restore Point” controls if a restore point
is created.
When adding a new recording the process is optimized to directly ask
for the file name and update the role after adding the Recording.
Multiple Fields and Controls can now be added to Field Level
Security Codes and Data Security Codes.
Multiple records in Object Properties can now be added from Object
The User ID can now be used instead of the User Security ID when
comparing Restore Points. The new field “Use User Name instead of
SID” in the Security Setup controls this.
The main Setup tables in Easy Security now have a “Created By User”
and “Created Date Time”.
The field “Remove Specific Table Perm.” in the Security Setup can be
used to remove specific permissions for tables when Table 0 Execute
is used as the default roles delivered with NAV Easy Security. The
FlowFields in Recording and Traces are also showing the correct
NAV 2013 and later: Terminology has been updated to match
Microsoft’s change for this version. The main change is “Windows
Login” -> “User”, “Role” -> “Permission Set”, “Role Permission” ->
“Permission” and “Controls” -> “Actions”. But many other smaller
improvements have also been made to simplify and make the
application more consistent.
A single field “All Free Objects Role ID” is now used for the Object
Level Security. A conversion integrated in the application allows
moving the data around if consistent.
A Data upgrade tool for the Security Setup and Field Level and Data
Security Setup has been included. This moves values in Fields in the
Security setup to match the changes and other data changes. The
Update Data can be launched from the Security Setup.
The code to check Roles that cannot be modified manually has been
improved. The Lines on the Role Card is now not editable when the
role is controlled by Easy Security. Inline Editing has been removed
from roles that are editable directly in the Role Permissions.
Code has been implemented to ensure translation is not breaking the
install wizard.
The code for Minimum Login permissions has been restructured to
allow being used for the Quick Security too.
The Search for Limited License Permissions has been updated. Now the search
is only looking for objects existing in the database. This
removes the need for a limitation on the objects scanned that was in
the Security Setup.
The message when a company is not setup with NAV Easy Security has
been improved.
The Setup Wizard has been updated to allow only the first module to
be purchased.
The permissions added for the Minimum Login permissions have been
updated to also include permissions needed in NAV 2015.
A new field “Segregation of Duties” in the Object property allows
filtering for only those permissions in the Summary Permissions.
When this field has a checkmark Summary Permissions is also
calculated for this object, similar to the “Object Level Security”
and “Limited License Object” fields.
The Easy Security Role Center has been updated to only include the
often changed tables as Stacks.
A new Role Center for recording has been added. This Role Center has
a minimal amount of data being read when opening. This allow for
capturing the proper permissions for all versions of NAV when the
service tier is restarted before recording.
NAV 2013 and later: A few Flowfields was not calculating based on
the right table. This has been corrected.
Summary Permissions can now be calculated for Live Database Logins,
Live Windows Logins and Live Roles. This allow for verifying the
current Live security in NAV too.
The functions to add Object Properties from Relations and Variables
has been updated to have Quick Security too.
NAV 2013 and later: The Live Variable could be showing an error with
text to text conversion when importing Source Code. This has been
New Flowfields have been added to the Role and Role Details for
“Object Role Permissions”. The “System Role Permissions” FlowField
is now available on the Role Detail too.
The Launching of objects now has a count of the objects launched in
the final status.
The formatting of the SQL Trace Event has been updated to put the
database name first. Sorting after importing a SQL Trace is now done
by the database name first.
Improved testing on the Copy Data setup in the Field Level, Actions
and Data Security Setup.
Many forms and pages have been optimized to remove un-necessary
fields. In the setup pages implement Additional fields feature to
remove rarely used fields.
A new page for the Field Level, Actions and Data Security Controls
has been added to make a simpler look when adding controls/actions.
A new table “User Filter” has been added. This is working with many
new Dynamics Filters in Data Security Code. Twenty four major dimensions in
NAV can now be added to this table and allow filtering by User. The
A message about using an undocumented feature has been removed when
setting the DBM Table No. field in the Objects.
The Copy Data Between Companies screen has been improved to reduce
The Where-Used is now handling 0 objects properly too. The
terminology for Where-Used has also been changed from “Where-used”
to Where-Used” this caused changed to many forms and pages.
The “Roles and Login FactBox” and “Field Level, Actions and Data
Security FactBox” have been improved with server information and
counts of the data. This FactBox is now also available on the
Security Setup and Field Level, Actions and Data Security Setup.
The Field “From Setup Company” has been added to some pages in Field
Level, Actions and Data Security to show the user if the records are
maintained from the Easy Security company.
The Field Level, Actions and Data Security Controls screen is now
showing the code controlling the properties. This can be used to
easily identify when custom code conflicts with the Field Level,
Actions and Data Security install engine.
The Default for the Restore Point Compare report is now Indented
The Function to Update Selected Roles in Live now has a confirm
screen before processing.
A few errors in the Read Source Code when text got too long have
been corrected.
Permissions added from Role Builder Permissions are now marked with
a new Origin “Role Builder” by default. This allows a better
overview of where permissions come from. It is also possible to
check the Add Related Permissions without manually changing the
Logins can now be exported and imported. The Login and other related
data must exist. New Users must still be created the normal way by
using the standard NAV screen.
Multiple Permission Sets or Permissions Groups for multiple Company
Groups can now be added to Multiple Logins.
A text was wrong when exporting Roles and Role Groups, this has been
The progress bar during export and import has been improved to show
a reference to the data. Control characters are now changed to space
(32) during export.
The Menu Item to write a Restore Point to Easy Security has been
disabled. This caused confusion and was never needed to be done
Ellipsis have been updated on all MenuItems to ensure the user knows
if the MenuItem require additional input.
Multiple Recordings can now be exported and imported.
Access Controls are now adjusted for Expiry Date when updating a
A new field “No Sec. Filter in Summary Perm” in the Security Setup
control of Security Filters is included in the Summary Permissions.
This can be used to avoid problems when multiple Security Filters
are used on the same table.
A new feature Assigned From has been added in the Summary
permissions screen. This allows one to see how a specific Permissions was
added to a Login, Permission Set or Live Data.
NAV 2013 and later: The Change Log Entries can now be displayed from
all the pages showing the Live data for Users, Access Controls,
Permission Sets and permissions.
It is now possible to avoid changes to specific fields or actions on
the pages for Field Level, Actions and Data Security. Use the
function on the Controls page to insert the data to avoid the
changes. It is necessary to “Delete Changes in Code” and then run the
“Implement Changes in Code” to avoid errors with missing variables or
similar. This is only intended to be used in special cases to
minimize the impact on the size of record sets and processing for
very large pages.
An Import (Add New Recordings) has been added to the Permissions
Sets. It is now possible to import only added Recordings to existing
Permission Sets.
Two new fields “No SQL Details on Import Recording”
and “No Confirm on Import Recording” have been added to the Login
Setup. These fields can be used to simplify the import and adding of
new recordings.
ES1.40.33 (Released 2015 3/14)
The Source Code Analysis could fail with a string
conversion error. This has been corrected.
If only a single module was purchased was Publish and Get New Data
fail with a license error. This has been corrected.
If a default was not specified for Field Level Security was
non-editable fields editable on pages. This has been corrected.
The SQL Profiler template for SQL 2014 was missing the DatabaseName.
This has been corrected.
ES1.40.32 (Released 2014 10/11)
It was possible to rename the "blank" value in some tables
in Field Level, Actions and Data Security that caused problems in
the setup. This has been changed.
NAV 2013 and later only: Windows Group MenuItems has been removed.
The access to Active Directory Groups is not possible from inside
NAV. This has affected the MenuSuites and a few pages.
The length of the field Version List in the Object Explorer did not
match the later versions of NAV. This has been changed.
SQL Profiler template for SQL 2014 has been added.
ES1.40.31 (Released 2014 09/18)
Small corrections to text during import/export.
NAV 2015 version of NAV Easy Security is included.
ES1.40.30 (Released 2014 08/28)
The drilldown pages for several tables that used editable
list pages has been changed, New forms/pages are added with the
fields useful during the drilldown.
Messages has been improved for string-menus.
The features with DBM Table No. has been recoded to use a string
menu to select what to export. This has reduced the number of
MenuItems and not allow to mark all objects even when a customer
license is used.
NAV 2013 and later: Export and Import of files can now automatically
upload and download files to the service tier. Only the
implementation of code changes in Field Level and Data Security
require a file placed in a UNC-path. Be aware of the limitation set
on the service tier for file size. This is default set to 30 MB.
An error is now shown if a text file with the wrong content is
selected when importing into Easy Security.
An error with test of Unique user names was still shown in NAV 2013
and later. This has been removed.
MenuSuites are not exported for Source Code Analysis.
An error with Data Security using Dynamics Filters has been
When copying a Field Level Security Code or Data Security Code from
another company is the Copy Setup created to allow the Copy Data
Between Companies to work properly.
Promotions of Actions has been reviewed in some pages.
All Language modules has been redone with for the latest objects.
Only ENY, DAN, DEA, DES and DEU is complete. the other language have
3-4% of the texts in English.
ES1.40.27 (Released 2014 07/22)
The SQL Object Names was not added properly during the
install wizard for Roles and Logins. This has been changed.
A new function has been added to Set and Reset the "No Permissions"
on multiple records on a Login and Login Access Controls.
The Dynamics Filters was not added automatically when installing
Field Level, Actions and Data Security. This has been changed.
Promotions has been optimized for the RTC/Windows Client.
NAV 2013 and 2013 R2 Only: The drilldown on the User ID has been
Minor changes to the Role Demo Data and Role Group Demo Data files.
ES1.40.26 (Released 2014 07/16)
The German text layer has been completely redone. The
complete application language for DEA, DES and DEU is translated
with the help from a local NAV partner
The Role Demo Data for Segregation of Duties delivered with NAV Easy
Security has been re-tested against a NAV 2013 R2 environment. A few
smaller changes has been added to the Role Group Demo Data too.
The Actions on Field Level and Data Security Setup has been
optimized in NAV 2013 and 2013 R2.
A function to add the Permissions required for Field Level, Actions
and Data Security has been added to the Role Builder Permissions and
Field Level and Data Security Setup.
An error with displaying the caption for an action in Field Level
Security Code has been corrected.
ES1.40.25 (Released 2014 06/05)
Jet Reports using Web-Service can now be integrated with
Data Security. This allows to apply the same filtering in Jet
Reports as inside the pages in NAV. This only applies to the
Web-Service interface for Jet Reports. This
FAQ have more details.
NAV 2013 and 2013 R2 only: The full user name from standard
NAV can now be used in Roles and Logins. This is the default option
for new installs. Existing installations can be converted by
deleting all logins and check the new field "Use Complete User ID"
in the "ES Security Setup". Watch this
YouTube video to see how to change this for existing installs.
NAV 2013 and 2013 R2 only: The Job Queue used for publishing
security and other task can now be setup in the "ES Security Setup"
in the field "Job Queue Code".
A filter did not work properly in NAV 2013 and later in the "ES
Trace Client" table. This has been changed.
The function to display User Security Setup was not working properly
in all NAV versions. This has been corrected. Three new fields are
added to display where the setup for a user comes from.
The navigation in the Field Level Security Codes and Data Security
Codes was not working properly in the RoleTailored client. This has
been corrected.
The count of objects now includes tables to get the right count of
objects for FLADS installation.
New FactBoxes has been added to display Group member Ship for User
Security Setup.
It was possible to get a deleted objects added to a role if the
Source Code Analysis was not updated. This has been corrected.
A new function to add relation based on the Field table has been
added. This is very useful for objects where source code cannot be
The Add Related Objects function in the Role Builder Permissions did
not work properly. This has been changed.
ES1.40.21 (Released 2014 04/28)
A new file structure has been created for the NAV Easy
Security. Now is a folder created for each NAV version. That is
making it easier to select the right files for a specific
Field Level, Action and Data Security install engine has been
updated to not add code to the OnInitPage trigger. On later version
of NAV is this not necessary and the code caused problems with
Web-service integration. A new field "No OnInitPage Changes" on the
Source Table Setup must be checked for existing customers to use
this way to install the code changes.
The Publish screen has been simplified. Many of the function has
been removed and un-necessary checkboxes causing confusion has been
A new test for unrelated records in Live can now be run before
running the Install Wizard for Easy Security.
The Restore Point created during the install is now locked.
The Role Detail card are now opened directly in NAV 2013 and NAV
2013 R2.
A new FactBox is added to the User Security Setup. This show the
Group Members.
The Synchronize button on the Publish screen often caused confusion.
This has been renamed to Get New Data from Live.
ES1.40.20 (Released 2014 01/31)
It is now possible to create a Role with all the
permissions from a Role Group
It is now possible to export and import Object Properties
Some text for export import has been corrected
Standard Dynamics Filters are now inserted during the install wizard
NAV 2013 and later. Images has been added to the actions groups
The Source Code Analyzer could fail on non standard code. This has
been corrected.
NAV 2013 R2: Code using the session has been corrected. No compile
warnings exists in the NAV Easy Security objects.
ES1.40.18 (Released 2013 10/20)
NAV 2013 R2 version of NAV Easy Security has been released.
The version current create compile warnings, but no errors. The
version is fully functional and can be used for production systems.
A future version is going to remove the compile warnings.
The tables for Limited Users has been updated.
A function "Count Limited User Access" has been added to Roles and
Recordings. This can be used to count how many tables are needed for
a process in NAV.
The source code analyzer could fail on some strange code. This has
been corrected.
The Install process for Roles and Logins now update the ALLFREE
role. This allow import of the Role Group Demo Data.
The "No Access" in the "Limited User Type" field has been renamed to
Excluded to match the NAV documentation.
The function to Insert Minimum Permissions has been updated with new
TableData needed for NAV 2013.
The Compare screen has been updated in Classic and 2013 to use more
shades of grey to mark Old data.
Conversion code has been added in the file "ESUPGRADE 2009 to 2013
V0.11.fob" to modify data in Easy Security after migrating from NAV
2009 to 2013.
ES1.40.17 (Released 2013 8/27)
The export of multiple records was not checking properly
for the file already existing. This has been corrected.
The ShowStatus function was not used properly in the Copy Data
Between Companies. This has been changed.
The Role Group Demo Data can now be imported from the Easy Security
Role Demo has been verified against FastPath' Sarbanes-Oxley
compliance with 0 issues in the Role Demo Data.
Role Demo Data has been verified against the German 2009 R2 and 2013
version. All 100+ roles are working properly in a German NAV
Role Group Demo data has been added to match the data in the Roles
Demo Data spreadsheet.
NAV 2013 Only: The code in Easy Security now compiles in NAV 2013 R2
without any errors. Some warnings exists, but everything works OK.
ES1.40.16 (Released 2013 8/20)
A new field "Override Permission" has been added to the
"Role Builder Permission" table. When this field has a checkmark is
the permissions in the "Role Builder Permission" always being the
final "Role Permission". This can be used in a couple of causes to
ensure the Limited License or a recorded Permission is not being
added to the Role.
ES1.40.15 (Released 2013 8/8)
It is now possible to avoid the compression of Access
Controls for users with SUPER. The field "Do Not Compress if SUPER"
in "Security Setup" must be checked.
The Restore Point now have indirect permissions for the tables being
published to live. This allow for reduced permissions for a person
only maintaining security.
The Export and Import for Roles was not exporting all fields. This
has been changed.
The Minimum Login Permissions has been updated with a single system
The Source Code Analysis was not finding relations for a
CommandButton correctly, This has been changed.
The Source Code Analysis failed for code in NAV 2013 R2 without a
procedure ID. This has been changed.
The Field Level, Actions and Data Security User Statistics was not
working properly with Groups. It was also missing some User Security
Setups. This has all been corrected.
NAV 2013 Only: The Report 14123501 to print compare was not
upgraded. This has been changed.
ES1.40.14 (Released 2013 6/16)
Role Groups can now be exported and imported.
When using long user names was an error shown in FLADS in NAV 2013.
This has been changed.
ES1.40.13 (Released 2013 5/29)
A new field "Disable Coded OnLookup" has been added to the
Field Level and Data Security Setup. When this field has a checkmark
is all OnLookup code disable if the field in not editable. This
prevent changing values even if the field is not editable. For
existing customers must this field be checked manually but it
defaults to Yes.
The Optimized Publishing could show an error with a Database or
Windows Access Control already existing in rare conditions based on
sorting differences in Temporary and SQL tables. This has been
A message is now shown when "Modify Forms", "Modify Pages" and
"Disable Code OnLookup" is changed to warn the user about
implementing the code changes.
The Data Security Group now default to 2.
Some controls was named by accident in an earlier version. This has
been corrected.
A function to Manually set the FilterGroup for Data Security has
been added. This can be used for manual customizations for Account
Schedules or similar when the default Filter Group 2 is in use by
the code.
The counters for changes to the code was not always correct. This
has been changed.
Changes has been made to the removal of code in FLADS.
ES1.40.12 (Released 2013 5/1)
Additional testing has been added to ensure Windows Logins
does not get duplicated. The Windows Login Mapping can be used to
correct problems to ensure a unique Login is created.
When updating Summary Permissions for records with a Code longer
than 20 characters was an error shown. This has been corrected.
Unwanted comments in the code of the NAV 2013 version has been
ES1.40.11 (Released 2013 4/27)
ZIP-file released at 35,000 feet :-)
If the Yes was used instead of the default value in the
Editable property would pages show up not editable all the time.
This has been corrected. To implement this must the function
"Implement Changes in Code" be used to adjust one of auto-created
the Codeunits in Easy Security.
ES1.40.10 (Released 2013 4/22)
The install wizard for a Recording Only Company has been
improved. Most of the information is now entered automatically.
A test has been added for file names entered into Easy Security. A
message is now displayed warning user in the RTC or NAV 2013 to use
the UNC-path for files being used by the Service Tier.
The Optimized Publishing could show an error if a Role was deleted.
This has been changed.
The Setup of Field Level and Data Security Setup in a child company
has been improved. The list of companies now only include the
companies with Installed Allowed checked.
When adding related permissions to a Role Builder Permission was
some of the testing not done properly.
The function to delete old Restore Points was not sorting by the
Creation Date Time. This has been changed.
ES1.40.09 (Released 2013 4/15)
A new field "Data Security Filter Group" has been added to
the Field Level and Data Security Setup. The default value for this
is 15. This is the FILTERGROUP used for the filters in Data
Security. For all existing customer must this field be set manually
else is the FILTERGROUP 2 used.
In 7.00 has the User ID field been extended in 30 tables. This is to
support the length used by default NAV.
ES1.40.08 (Released 2013 4/1)
What is new in
Easy Security
ES1.40.xx video.
0:00 New features
3:10 Improvements
5:20 Roles for segregation of duties
7:10 Demonstration of Roles and Logins install wizard
10:40 Import of New Roles during install wizard
12:00 Field Level, Actions and Data Security install wizard
14:50 Increased security on Field Level, Actions and Data
Security Setup
16:40 Launching Objects
18:25 Looking at new roles for segregation of duties
22:00 Upgrading to ES1.40.xx
26:15 Activating Optimized Publishing
27:40 Upgrade documentation
The import for roles was showing an error if the wrong role
was selected. This has been changed.
A few permissions was missing for the Minimum Login Permissions when
using Enhanced Security, This has been changed.
The Field Level, Actions and Data Security Setup was showing an
error when selecting Copy Setup. Now is only Field Level Security
Code and Data Security Codes copied by default.
The Copy Setup is now being modified without a comment.
A problem with removing permissions form a role when using Optimized
Publishing has been corrected.
ES1.40.07 (Released 2013 4/1)
Additional MenuItems has been added to only launch some
object types.
The Next and previous change function in the compare window was not
working properly in the RTC, This has been changed.
ES1.40.06 (Released 2013 3/18)
The MenuItems for Import, export and Launching objects has been
copied from the Role Detail to the Role forms and pages.
If only Roles and Logins was used would an error be shown when
opening the Login Setup. This has been changed.
The same recording can now exists multiple times when importing
Roles without causing an error.
Many small corrections for the Language Modules. A complete set of
NAV 2013 language modules has been added.
ES1.40.05 (Released 2013 3/13)
The Planned Roles table has been merged with the Role Detail table.
The feature to Launch object now use data directly from the Easy
Security company and does not require copying data to the company to
launch object. A new MenuItem Launch objects has been added. A
conversion tool is provided to move the data from Planned Roles to
the Role Details. More information can be found on this
Simplified installation wizard. The information on the
request screen has been reduced and the wizard can now restart if
Improved performance of updating logins, updating roles and
publishing permissions. The process has been updated to minimize the
amount of writing to the database. This improves the performance for
some customer with many users and roles to 50% or less of the time
to publish.
A new field Optimized Publishing has been added to control the new
functionality. Existing customers must check this field manually to
activate the new algorithm.
Installation, Publishing and other processes in Easy Security is now
adding comments below the Security Setup. This allow for tracing
changes and time for each step of the processes.
Additional testing has been added for <blank> records. During the
install wizard is deleting of records not optional.
The Export of Objects to text has been improved by adding an Object
Explorer. This allow to filter based on license permissions and
export errors. Objects can be exported directly or the DBM Table No.
can be used for marking the objects and then export from the Object
Designer. The last is necessary for all customers not using NAV 2009
(or SP1/R2) that is the only version allowing to export the Source
Code from C/AL.
Objects can now be run directly from the Field Level, Actions and
Data Security windows. This makes testing much easier.
The number of restore points can now be controlled. A new field No.
of Restore Points to Keep has been added to Security Setup. This
will ensure old restore points get deleted. A new field Locked on
the Restore Point ensure that old Restore Point can be kept.
The function to copy access controls to another company group has
been improved. This makes the process of moving all Access Controls
Security can now be controlled for the data in Field Level, Actions
and Data Security. That ensure that even if the user is SUPER can
they still not change their own and other users permissions if setup
It is now possible to only launch Form and Page relation by checking
the new field “Only Form/Page Relations” in the Role Detail.
Improved usability in the Role Builder Permissions
“Strange” characters in Company Name was not handled properly when
importing a SQL profiler trace. This has been changed.
Default for the FLADS Setup is now to use Manually Entered Groups.
It is now possible to control which part of the code is added
(field/Actions) by object (Form/Page) in the Field Level, Actions
and Data Security installation wizard.
Additional test ensure that ESACC Empty Objects has been imported.
Export and Import of Field Level Security Codes and Data Security
Codes has been added.
The installation wizard for Field Level, Actions and Data Security
now support multiple controls with the same ID in pages.
Testing of the Manual Groups has been added to ensure a proper
Dynamic Filters now support using a fixed value in the filter. This
make it easy to implement and modify a filter used on multiple
tables and security codes.
The Print function has been renamed to Compare. This matches the
function of the code.
Caption for SubForms are now handled during Transformation.
Cards has been added many places to improve usability.
Easy Security MenuItems has now been added to the Administration
Menu Group.
Danish and German translation is now completely translated,
including for NAV 2013.
In rare cases could the Source Code Analysis failed if spaces were
at the end of field names. This has been changed.
ES1.30.26 (Released 2013 2/7)
The use the of ALLLIMITED role in Object Level Security has
been changed. For new setup is the default value changed and the
role is not being created.
Comments are now added under the Security Setup for processes like
install, publish, restore point and more. This allow to track the
user, time and duration when an operation happened. All status
messages are also added in the comments.
The number of messages during processes like install, publish and
other operations has been optimized. With the messages added to the
comments is it making the use of the application simpler with less
messages during processing.
The functionality with DBM Table No. has been updated to only work
in a SQL environment. With the native database could this conflict
in some versions.
ES1.30.24 (Released 2013 2/6)
An Object Explorer has been added to Easy Security. This
function allow to export and set the DBM Table No. in the objects to
make export and import of objects to text easier by allowing
filtering on license permissions and export errors. The same code is
also used in Roles and Logins and Field Level, Actions and Data
Security to ensure similar features.
a Card has been added for Field Level Security Codes and Data
Security Codes to improve the editing process.
The defaults for the grouping in Field Level, Actions and Data
Security has been improved to make new installs easier.
The handling on number series has been improved and unnecessary code
It is not possible to only install some parts of the code changes
for Field Level, Actions and Data Security. The fields "No Action
Code on Pages", "No Button Code on Forms", "No Field Code on Forms"
and "No Field Code on Pages" are not visible of the Setup window.
The fields can only be set by running the table directly from the
Many improvement to the simplicity of the application. Many fields
not manually adjusted has been removed from setup wizards and setup
Improvements to the NAV 2013 application with removed fields not
ES1.30.19 (Released 2013 1/28)
The NAV 2013 application has been retested to only show
values necessary for NAV 2013. Everything referring to Forms,
Dataports and Database Logins has been removed.
A new field Parent Role ID has been added to the Role Detail. By
adding the hierarchy in the roles is possible to reduce the number
of permissions to a very high degree when basing the roles on the
Role Builder and Recordings.
The install engine for FLADS is now capable of handling the same
control exists twice in a page.
The Install Wizard for Roles and Logins is now only asking for the
SUPER role ID, The other fields are still available, but is no
longer used.
The way number are assigned to Restore Points and Recordings has
been simplified without using the No. Series.
Multiple roles can now be exported to a single file. This makes it
easier to move data between databases.
A Default Object Type is added to the FLADS Setup.
Small visual and caption improvements.
A Card form/page now exists for Company Groups.
ES1.30.17 (Released 2013 1/18)
Field Level, Actions and Data Security setup can now be
secured so users with SUPER (DATA) access cannot remove the
limitation added. Individual parts of the setup can be editable for
different people to allow control of different parts of the setup.
Field Level Security Codes and Data Security Codes can now be
exported and imported. This make it easy to move from a test
database to live.
Improvements to the function to add roles and other functions that
add multiple records. It is now not required to add first line
before using the function from a card.
Dynamic Filters with Fixed Filter Values. This can be used for
applying the same filter in many tables and different Data Security
ES1.30.16 (Released 2012 12/25)
When the company name contained UNICode characters was the
import of a SQL Profiler Trace not working properly. This has been
A new function to execute an object has been added many places in
Easy Security. This can be used for testing Field Level, Actions and
Data Security or recording permissions.
Relation between Field Level, Actions and Data Security Group
Members are now tested when being created manually. The Update No.
is also being updated properly.
Additional objects has been added to the list of Limited User
An error was shown when adding pages and making permissions for both
clients in Role Builder Permissions. This has been corrected.
An extra test for the ESACC objects is done when running the install
process in Field Level, Actions and Data Security. This ensure that
a permission error is not shown during import of the modified
Additional code has been added to test for forms in the install of
Field Level, Actions and Data Security.
The default Dynamics Filters are now inserted during the install
wizard for Field Level, Actions and Data Security.
The 3.70 Menu was updated with missing MenuItems.
ES1.30.15 (Released 2012 11/6)
The install process for Roles and Login is not saving the
status. This is used to better handle when an error is stopping the
process. The process can now be restarted from any step.
The Publish, Update Summary Permissions and Copy Data forms and
pages now ask to confirm close if the process has not been
A new test has been added to the installation to test for <blank>
records in Role, Database Login and Windows Login.
The test for unrelated child records will always delete records
during the install process.
The Launch of objects was not working properly in the RoleTailored
Client in all cases. This has been corrected.
The field "Default Role Detail File Name" was causing an endless
loop when edited. This has been corrected.
ES1.30.14 (Released 2012 10/6)
Official NAV 2013 version has been included. This version
is fully functional but will be updated with different terminology
in a later version.
A SQL Profiler template for SQL 2012 has been included.
A new field "Limited User Type" has been added to the "Object
Property" table. This field is used for calculation in many
flowfields to identify tables included in a Limited User in NAV
The import of a SQL Profiler Trace has been improved. Some object
permissions was not recorded in all cases when using the Classic
Very long lines in a SQL Profiler Trace could cause an error when
imported. This has been changed.
ES1.30.13 (Released 2012 9/6)
A new field "Security Filter Table" has been added to the
"Object Properties". When this field has a checkmark is permissions
for this object removed for roles built from the Role Builder. This
allow to manually create a role (without using the Role Builder,
without a Role Detail record) that is using the Security Filter. The
best way to built this role is from the standard NAV Role function
and then use the "Get New Roles from Live".
The images has been added to many actions in the RoleTailored
client. This have cause many forms to have a new version list
without a real change.
Menuitems has been optimized to only have features under Advanced
that are rarely used.
Query Level Security is now implemented in the code.
Many flowfields related to objects has been removed in the
RoleTailored client. A new FactBox with the same and more
information is added. Many FlowFields was added to the "Object
Information" table.
Permissions for the Minimum Login Permissions has been updated.
Some column in the forms and pages was shown wrongly by default.
This has been changed.
ES1.30.12 (Released 2012 6/25)
The Synchronize function was not transferring the right
parameters. This has been changed.
A new field "Manual Update of Summary Perm." has been added to the
Security Setup. When this field has a checkmark is Summary
Permissions not calculated for every user during a publish. This is
saving a lot of time when hundreds of users exists in a database.
Some data in a SQL Trace could cause a text to text conversion in
rare cases. this has been changed.
A new field "No Page Action Changes" has been added to the Source
Table Setup. When this field has a checkmark is Action Level
Security not implemented in the pages. This prevent a problem with
older version of NAV 2009 R2 not displaying customizations right for
the users. A hot fix is being issued by Microsoft to solve this
problem in NAV 2009 R2.
ES1.30.11 (Released 2012 6/8)
Implementation of Field Level, Actions and Data Security
could fail if using a computer for a different Region. This has been
Editing Role Permissions manually showed a wrong confirm for
entering 0 permissions.
The MenuItems in the Text Lines used for compares has been improved.
Promotions and additional images has been added in the RoleTailored
The Field Level and Data Security Group Members has been added to
the Role Center.
ES1.30.10 (Released 2012 5/29)
The install wizard was showing an error when executed after
a change in ES1.30.09. This has been corrected.
Objects for NAV 2013 ('7) is now included in the released version.
These objects are still to be considered beta objects.
ES1.30.09 (Released 2012 5/29)
All languages has been updated with complete translations.
ES1.30.09 (Released 2012 5/25)
Groups can now be used to setup Field level, Actions and
Data Security. This reduces the amount of data required to control
users when many tables and logins exists. The code to use Windows
Active Directory Groups has also been updated, but the functions are
still the same.
Field Level, Actions and Data Security Groups can be copied between
companies like other data.
The naming of the tables in the printing of restore points has been
The code to check for Publish Allowed company has been improved.
The Role Center has been updated with additional stacks and other
Trace Event now identify newer and older version of the NAV client
ES1.30.04 (Released 2012 5/12)
Filters applied from Data Security can now include a
calculation. This allow for simplified setup if a filter on Allow
Posting Range or Sales Person Code is going to be used. Easy
Security already contain a list of Dynamic Filters. Codeunit
"14123814 ES Dynamic Filter Customize" is included with the ESACC
Empty objects file for partners and customers to modify.
A card form and page has been added for Login, Role and Role Group.
This allow better usability in the RoleTailored Client.
Restore Point are now tracked with Starting and Ending time.
The About Easy Security function is now calculating properly.
Many promotions and images has been updated in the RoleTailored
application. This is on preparation for NAV 2013 ('7).
A few fields has been renamed in the NAS Processing entry table to
match other terminology.
The function to Overwrite a Role when importing was not working
correct in all cases. This has been changed.
Creating Roles from Planned Roles assumed the recording was done
inside the company. This has been changed so any recording can be
attached without manually creating the Role.
Additional FactBoxes has been added to the Easy Security Role
The Easy Security Role Center has been updated to only included the
needed functions. Too many stacks and activities existed on the old
Role Center.
Some values was shown in child tables that caused confusion. This
has been changed.
Some forms was not named correctly, This has been corrected.
The Field Level, Actions and Data Security install engine now works
for NAV 2013 ('7).
When UNICODE was encountered in the SQL Profiler Trace was it
required to save the file in ANSI format. This has been changed to
just use a space in the text.
ES1.20.25 (Released 2012 4/18)
Additional Italian and Portuguese translation added. Code is
exactly like previous version of ES1.20.25.
ES1.20.25 (Released 2012 4/2)
Additional Spanish and French translation added. Code is
exactly like previous version of ES1.20.25.
ES1.20.25 (Released 2012 3/15)
A complete Spanish text-layer is now available for Easy
The functions to Launch Objects has been improved. It is now
possible to also launch a list of reports. Minor adjustment to the
code has also been done to improve the functionality.
Some improvements has been made to the import of a SQL Profiler
Trace. This is mainly to support future versions of NAV.
The way Source Tables was added caused a strange message about
renaming. This has been changed.
An option to not implement HideValue has been added. This is mainly
to support future versions of NAV.
The Setup forms in the versions 3.70.01, 5.00 and 5.00.01 has been
improved. Only the needed Menuitems are showed on the forms.
The Demo Data Codeunit has been updated. Un-necessary layout has
been removed from the report generating the Demo Data Codeunit.
ES1.20.23 (Release 2012 3/2)
A new form and page "Copy Data Between Companies" has been
added. This is like the "Publish" function in Roles and Logins. A
single task page to process the copy of User Security Setup, Field
Level Security Code and Data Security Codes.
The functionality to Copy Data Between Companies has been enhanced.
Controlling the Copy Setup records is now handled better. A new
field "Copy Setup Exists" has also been added to making the feature
visible from the forms and pages.
The Role Center and Activities pages has been updated to match all
the current features in Easy Security.
The pre-4.0 (MenuSuite) menu has been updated.
The order of the fields in some of the Field Level Actions and Data
Security forms and pages has been improved.
A 100% complete German test layer has been added.
ES1.20.22 (Released 2012 2/28)
The Initial Source Code Analysis in Field Level Actions and
Data Security can now use the relations from Roles and Logins. This
makes the implementation time much less than before.
New FlowFields has been added to the Restore Point tables. These
fields allow to see in the record exists in Live or Easy Security.
Additional MenuSuites are now shipped with the downloaded file.
Refer to "readme.txt" when these are necessary.
It is now allowed to rename a Company Group.
If the company name contained letters that was not allowed in SQL
table names could the import of a SQL Profiler Trace create a text
overflow. This has been changed.
The error message displayed when a SQL Profiler Trace contained
UNICode characters has been improved. It now explain to open the
file in NotePad and same with ANSI encoding.
ES1.20.21 (Released 2012 02/09)
A new field "Limited Access Control Editing" has been added
to the Login Setup. When this field is check can the user not modify
permission for any user with this value set to true. This is done to
allow for IT-people to maintain users without being able to change
their own access.
The import for Role Details and Recording now have an option to
overwrite existing values. This allow easy moving of data from one
database to another.
ES1.20.20 (Released 2012 02/05)
The default values for the Object Level Security fields has
been changed to default to the suggested values.
A new function to Test Export objects has been added. Objects with
export error is added to the Object Properties table. The field Skip
During Export can then be set based on the error.
When importing a SQL Profiler Trace is reading for Object Metadata
added as permissions. This ensure all objects are captured correctly
in all cases.
The SQL Object Name table used for searching table names can now be
preloaded with default table names. This speed up the process of
importing a SQL Profiler Trace.
The speed of the import of a SQL Profiler Trace has been improved.
When using Active Directory groups in Field Level Actions and Data
Security is it now tested that the group ID is 20 characters or
less. This is done to ensure proper lookup during processing.
The wizard install process has been optimized.
The NAS Processing was not working properly in all cases. This has
been fixed.
The Source Code Analysis has been optimized to run faster with less
server interactions.
ES1.20.19 (Released 2012 01/25)
The field "Copy Form to Pages" has been renamed to "Role
for Both Clients". With the SQL Profiler able to record directly
from the RoleTailored Client is it now possible to also make a
recording that work for the Classic Client.
Copy of setup data in the Field Level, Actions and Data Security has
been improved. Data can now be published to all companies from the
setup company or copied between companies.
Additional testing has been added when entering information in the
Role Builder Permissions.
An About Easy Security has been added to the Field Level, Actions
and Data Security setup.
A few messages during the install process has been improved.
The export of roles and recording now include the SQL Profile File
Doing a full database test showed a few errors in Easy Security
tables. this has been corrected to not test table relations.
Improvement to promoted actions and images in the RoleTailored Client.
ES1.20.15 (Released 2012 01/18)
Many changes to the data structure for Field Level, Actions
and Data Security requires a data conversion process to be run. More
information can be found in this
Field Level, Actions and Data Security can now be
controlled by Windows Active Directory Groups.
Copying data in Field Level, Actions and Data Security between
companies has been improved. A "Master" company is now used for all
the data and then is it distributed to all the companies with a
single process. This includes also the User Security Setup.
The SQL Profiler can now be used for recording permission. This
allow for recording directly in the RoleTailored Client and also
during login or Logout. Permissions for Web-Services and NAS can
also be recorded. More information can be found in this
The Field Level security code implemented for a FlowField on a Page
caused the GUI to look different. This has been changed. To update
must the code be removed from all pages and re-implemented with the
process used for installing the changes.
Planned Roles can now be used from the RoleTailored Client to launch
objects for recording of permissions.
The NAS integration has been updated with several processes related
to Field Level, Actions and Data Security.
Additional testing has been added for "Publish Allowed" and "Install
Allowed" in several tables. This ensure copied data is only
maintained in the right company.
Many improvement to promotions in RoleTailored application.
A new Menu Item grouping "Advanced" has been added to the Classic
application. This makes the menus look simpler with the most used
Menu Items in the first list.
Unused Text Constants and Variables has been removed.
The Field Level, Actions and Data Security install engine can now be
run from the RoleTailored Client. Objects must be exported and
imported from the Classic Client.
The Security feature introduced in ES1.10.19 has been removed. This
is probably added in a future version.
The Text Lines was not shown properly in the RoleTailored Client
when doing a compare. This has been changed.
ES1.10.20 (Released 2011 12/29)
The field Status in the NAS Processing Entries is now
matching the flow for the Status field in the Job Queue Entries.
The Planned Roles can now be used to record in a different company.
The Recording Code has been extended to 30 characters to allow for a
company specific identifier to be added. The field Record Code
Prefix has been deleted from the Planned Role. This field must
manually be reset.
The setup wizard is now split in 2 different forms. One for the
complete setup and one for the recording only. This makes the form
simpler and easier to understand.
The comments table was not used correctly from the Role Recording.
This has been changed.
ES1.10.19 (Released 2011 12/27)
A Navision Application Server (NAS) running the Job Queue
can now be setup to do several task in Easy Security (Synchronize and
Publish,Synchronize,Publish,Live Restore Point,Easy Security Restore
Point). The Codeunit 14123508 ES NAS Handler must be scheduled to
run with the proper data created in the new Table 14123541 ES NAS
Process Entry. Many places in the code has been modified to ensure
status update windows are not displayed during processing of running
from the NAS.
A Manager User ID can now be setup for a table in Field Level,
Actions and Data Security. This allow for multiple people
controlling the security. The fields "User Security Manager User
ID", "Field Level Sec. Mgr. User ID" and "Data Security Manager User
ID" has been added to the Source Table Setup.
The Query type object are now supported.
When deleting objects could several manuals steps be required to
publish permissions. This has been changed. Now will the Synchronize
functions take care of the necessary steps.
A few missing captions has been added.
The menu for pre 4.00 has been updated with the Field Level, Actions
and Data Security menu items.
ES1.10.17 (Released 2011 12/7)
The testing for SUPER during publish gave a very cryptic
error. This has been changed.
A new feature to mark objects required for Field level, Actions and
Data Security installation has been implemented. The field DBM Table
No. on the objects table is used to allow filtering only the
licensed objects. This is very useful on executable version before
2009 SP1 where the EXPORTOBJECTS function does not exists in C/SIDE.
This is kind of an Un-documented feature that is not used any longer
by C/SIDE, but can conflict with other ISV solutions.
A test has been added to test for the Client Monitor not being
active when publishing permissions.
The performance of very large ranges when using the Role Builder
Permissions with ranges has been improved.
Small improvements to he RoleTailored MenuSuite.
100% complete German, Dutch and Danish Language Modules included.
ES1.10.16 (Released 2011 11/4)
Object Types that cannot be setup in Field Level, Actions
and Data Security are not shown in the lookup. This makes the setup
easier to understand.
It is now possible to copy setup from a form to page and the other
way in Field Level, Actions and Data Security. Controls (except 0)
are only copied if the Object Type is the same.
The code to export licensed objects could fail for pages on some ISV
products. A current license is required to export pages correctly.
Variables for the first procedure in an objects was not found
correctly in the Source Code Analyzer. This has been changed.
Field Level Security Codes and Data Security Codes longer than 10
characters could cause a text to text conversion error. This has
been changed.
ES1.10.14 (Released 2011 9/20)
It is now possible to automatically have a Read-Only Field
Level Security Code created for each Source Table Setup. This saves
a little time when starting setup of Field Level, Actions and Data
Security. The Read-Only Field Level Security Code can also be
created manually from the Source Table Setup functions.
The demo data Codeunit have now been included in the released
objects for NAV Easy Security. Run the Codeunit 14123655 "ES Planned
Role Demo Data" to insert data for the Planned Roles feature.
Testing with a future version of NAV revealed some texts was longer
than allowed in the current product. The code has been updated to
work with the future versions.
ES1.10.13 (Released 2011 9/16)
The permissions for the Minimum Permissions has been
updated with the required permissions for Field Level, Actions and
Data Security.
The code for 3.70, 5.0 and 5.00.01 executable version of NAV Easy
Security has been released and will be included with future versions.
The installation process is a little different by requiring manual
export and import of the text-files. The menu on the Field Level,
Actions and Data Security Setup is a little different.
An error in the Codeunit generating code caused the forms to be used
for pages in the editable Codeunit. This has been changed.
ES1.10.11 (Released 2011 9/12)
A few tables above 2000000000 could cause problems when
publishing from the RoleTailored Client. This has been changed.
ES1.10.10 (Released 2011 9/8)
It is now possible to copy Field Level, Actions and Data
Security setup from one company to another and maintain a link. This
allow for even less data to control the FLADS Security. This allow
copying on multiple levels from the complete setup, the Source Table
or the individual Security Code.
a new field "Skip During Export" has been added to the Object
Properties. When this field has a checkmark is an object not
exported for source code analysis and other tasks. This allow for
objects with problem to exist in the database.
Many field has been added to the Object Usage to allow the
Where-used feature to work from the FLADS part of Easy Security too.
Only one company can now be used for installing the FLADS code
changed. the field "Install Allowed" in the FLADS Setup control
this. But customers upgrading must this field be checked.
It is now possible to use the Page setup for Form to minimize the
setup of FLADS.
Two field "Modify Forms" and Modify Pages" has been added to the
FLAD Setup. These fields control if the object type get modified. If
only pages are used should the forms not be modified to make
upgrades easier.
Some menu items has been added to make navigation easier in the Easy
Security Roles and Login.
A function has been added to copy Field Level or Data Security setup
to a new Security Code.
The term FLADS is not only used in the code, the user will see
"Field Level and Data Security". This has caused several objects to
be changed.
Small changes to the menu and role center.
ES1.10.05 (Released 2011 7/28)
Field Level, Actions and
Data Security has been added for RoleTailored and Classic
Clients. This version use features only available in a 2009 SP1 or
later executable (Export and Import of objects from code). A
version supporting older executable is planned to be released in a
future version.
Please contact easysecurity@mergetool.com
to download a version of the product.
ES1.00.75 (Released 2011 4/28)
Performance has been improved when deleting Restore Points
Small corrections to ENU captions.
Online Help exists for 100% of the NAV Easy Security application.
Danish, German and Dutch captions are now 100% complete.
5.00.01 (SP 1) objects has been added to the release files. This
will prevent a compile issue to stop publishing caused by changes in
a base table.
ES1.00.74 (Released 2011 4/27)
Small correction to Planned Roles.
ES1.00.73 (Released 2011 4/26)
The installation wizard has been improved to include a
couple of tests and allow the Source Code Analyzer to create proper
data in a company setup for Recording Only.
A new field "Recording Code Prefix" has been added in the Planned
Role. This field will be used for generating Recording codes. This
allow for using the Planned Role feature in multiple companies by
using different recording codes. The code has also been corrected to
work in a company setup as Recording Only.
A new option to Launch Objects (Show Errors) has been added, This
can be used to identify problems with objects not executing directly
from the Planned Roles.
The Create Demo Data code has been updated.
A small error with showing records from the comments has been
ES1.00.72 (Released 2011 4/21)
A new application for planning Roles has been added. This
application can launch a hole list of objects to record the needed
permissions. It support having multiple recordings for each Planned
Role and uses the Source Code Analyzer to launch associated
MenuItems and forms used as FactBox'es.
An error when capturing permission for a COUNT operation has been
corrected. This only applies to COUNT's being used directly in code
without actually reading a single record (used in a few FactBox'es.
It was possible to delete a recording without a check was performed
for it being used. This has been changed.
Small changes to the Minimum Login Permissions. It should now be
possible to customize pages.
ES1.00.71 (Released 2011 4/8)
A new field "Maximum Lines to Search" has been added this
Easy Security Setup. This field will limit the number of lines being
searched for a match in the compare of Text Lines. This should be
set to 500 when upgrading from older versions.
A new field "Add Execute to FactBox on Page" has been added to the
Easy Security Setup. When this field is checked will FactBox
permissions be added from the Role Builder.
A new test for old permissions has been added during the
installation process.
Some minor adjustments to the Source Code Analyzer and where-used.
ES1.00.70 (Released 2011 3/31)
It was required to have a ALL Role ID to publish. This is
no longer required. At the same time has the testing for 0
permission been removed from the ALL Role ID during publish.
The Limited Access Object table has been renamed to Object Property.
The old name referred to the first up of the table, with all the
current uses is the new name better.
A test for a Company to exist in the Live was not correct during
publish. This has been changed.
ES1.00.69 (Released 2011 3/3)
A new type MenuItem has been added to the Relation. This is
the object called from MenuItems on Forms, MenuSuite and Page
The field Table ID has been renamed to Relation Object ID. This is
used with the new relation types for Relation Object Type.
A few flowfields was missing for the Relations. This has been
The function to Insert Manual Relations has been updated with the
Relation Object Type.
ES1.00.68 (Released 2011 3/1)
It is now possible to export all licensed object to text
(if using a 2009 executable) directly from Easy Security. This makes
it easy for customer that has purchased Application Designer or
higher to export all objects that is licensed.
New Roles added to the Live can now be copied easily to Easy
Security. This will help when implementing another solution after
Easy Security has already been configured.
The Role Center in the RTC has been improved with extra menu items.
Small changes to menu items and fields displayed.
ES1.00.67 (Release 2011 2/22)
The Source Code Analyzer in Easy Security will now find,
Variable, Parameters and Return values for all code scanned. This
can be helpful when setting up object level security to know which
objects are used where in the code too. Over 110,000 variables are
found in standard W1 2009 R2 code. FlowFields has been added to
several tables displaying the count of Variables.
A New function to copy Login Access Controls to another Company
Group has been added. This makes it very easy to clean-up existing
data to add a Company Group or create a second set of Access
Controls for another Company Group.
It is now possible to copy all Recordings from another company.
Formatting a record as Text Lines has been updated with the latest
Many keys has been added based on Created Date Time and Created by
User. This will make it easy to see new information that has been
From the comment table is it now possible to open the primary record
Two new fields "Allow 0 Permissions" and "Allow Blank
Company" has
been added to Security Setup. When these fields are checked will it
be possible to enter the 0 or blank company without a manual
When inserting a Login Access Control is it now possible to get a
confirmation if the Company Group Code is blank.
The Setup Security Wizard have been updated with extra fields for
create number series with unique numbers in a Recording Only setup.
A few FlowFields and Created Date Time has been added in tables
where it was missing.
The Comments added automatically by Easy Security has been updated.
Fields named Created Date/Time has been changed to Created Date
ES1.00.63 (Release 2011 2/17)
A new function to copy Login Access Controls to a new
Company Group has been added. This makes it very easy to change from
"blank" company to only access a single Company Group.
The Comments added to Role Details when changing Role Recordings and
Role Builder Permissions was hard to find and get too. The comments
will now be added to the Role.
The FlowField used to Calculate "SUPER (DATA) Role Exists" was not
correct. this has been changed.
The Minimum Login Permissions will now include 0 permissions if the
Object level Security has not been set for the objects type.
The Table Level Security fields has been hidden on the Security
Setup. A problem exists in recording permissions for Table access.
Calculating Live Relations was a few small problems corrected.
ES1.00.62 (Released 2011 2/7)
Recording using FlowFields of the type Exists was not
always calculated correctly. This has been corrected.
ES1.00.61 (Released 2011 1/14)
PagePartID is now found during Source Code Analysis. This
can be used for calculating FactBox permissions. This is currently
not used in Easy Security, only calculated for display.
ES1.00.60 (Released 2011 1/3)
During installation could a lot of messages be displayed if
existing security was containing some strange roles. This has been
Comments was wrongly added for Role Details during installation,
this has been corrected.
Company Groups will not be created automatically during
The field "Use Indirect for FlowFields" had a wrong default value.
This has been corrected.
Permissions will now be added from the Source Object during a
recording. This will not be a complete recording of objects. 0
Object Cache or restarting the client is still required for
correctly getting all the objects executed.
A small problem with Minimum Login Permissions has been corrected.
ES 1.00.59 (Release 2010 11/4)
An Expiry Date has been added on the Login and Login Access
Control. This will allow to give temporary permissions that will be
removed next time a publish is done after the Expiry Date. A No
Permissions field has been added to the Login Access Controls too. A
new step has been added to the Publish function too.
Additional FlowFields has been added many places to show the Summary
ES 1.00.58 (Release 2010 9/21)
Recordings can now easily be copied from a different
A function has been added to insert Minimum login permissions in the
Role Builder Permissions. These permissions are complex and require
a lot of trial and error to capture, so this function will make it
easier to create very specific permissions.
ES 1.00.57 (Release 2010 9/20)
It is now possible to give a range of objects in the Role
Builder Permission. This allow for a simple way to give a complete
add-on range or similar.
It is now possible to add multiple Roles or Role Groups to a Role
Group. This will make it easy to create large number of lines in a
short time.
A drilldown for filename was missing. This has been changed.
Code has been improved in the Auto Record function to require less
ES 1.00.56 (Release 2010 9/15)
A test have been added during installation for unique
Windows Logins.
Testing for purchased granules has been corrected.
A field "Use Limited License Permission" has been added to the
Security Setup. When this field has a checkmark will permission only
be similar to the License Permissions.
Permissions can now exists in the Role Builder without the object
exists in the database. When updating roles will only permissions
for objects that exists be added.
ES 1.00.55 (Release 2010 9/14)
When limited permissions was used from recordings could
some permissions be updated wrongly in the Role Permissions. This
has been corrected and only require an update of the roles.
ES 1.00.54 (Release 2010 9/14)
Minor modifications to texts and menus.
ES 1.00.53 (Release 2010 9/9)
When using the recording feature was a wrong message
displayed. This has been changed.
A message is now displayed when setup finish. Small changes to the
setup process.
ES 1.00.52 (Released 2010 9/9)
Test functions has been added on the Security Setup to
identify unrelated Database Access Control, Windows Access Control
and Role Permissions. These creates problems when doing a publish of
A new field Only Recording Allowed has been added to the Security
Setup. This field is set with a new install option to only setup the
recording part of NAV Easy Security. Test is made in a few tables to
ensure records are not inserted when only recording is allowed.
Calculation of Object Caption has been improved in some tables.
Fields has been added in Security Setup to calculate if a Role ID
exists in the Live. This is used during initial setup. Improved
lookup has also been added for the Role IDs.
Test have been added against the license for the optional granules
of NAV Easy Security.
ES 1.00.51 (Released 2010 9/8)
A new field Publish Allowed has been added to the Security
Setup. This field needs to be checked before a Publish or any
updates to live data can be done from Easy Security. The field is
also checked to be false in all other companies in the database to
ensure not updating live data with an old version.
A new function has been added to the Roles window allowing to update
the Role Permissions for a selected number of roles. This allow a
faster update without doing a full publish when only permissions for
a few roles needs to be updated. A restore Point will still be
created before the update.
Lookup has been added to all fields showing a file name.
The testing of requirements before a publish has been optimized.
ES 1.00.50 (Released 2010 9/7)
Relations are now being tested when deleting a Role. The
Role Detail and associated tables are also deleted automatically.
The length of the Company Group ID has been extended to 30
characters. This allow for creating groups matching the company
names. A function have been created to automatically create a
Company Group by Company.
A new function Synchronize has been added to the Publish screen.
This allow for easy access to make the data in Easy Security match
the live system if users or objects has been changed.
ES 1.00.49 (Released 2010 8/31)
The Source Code Analyzer will not find the DataPerCompany
property on a table. This is very useful when setting up additional
permissions for Global tables.
It is now possible to have permission in the Role Builder Permission
and Recording Permission for objects that do not exists in then
database without causing problems when Publishing. The permissions
will not be added when creating Role Permissions.
A new table Login Setup has been added. This table is like User
Setup just for NAV Easy Security.
It is now possible to start a recording automatically when a user
login to a company. This makes it easy to capture every transaction
a user makes. A small modification (add one line of code) must be
done manually in Codeunit 1 for this to work. More information is
available in the Online Help.
A new field Object Information Exists has been added to the
Recording Permission and Role Builder Permission tables.
A change made in ES1.00.47 made it impossible to update ALLFREE and
ALLLIMITED roles. This has been corrected.
ES 1.00.48 (Released 2010 8/16)
Extend Insert Permissions can now be controlled with the
fields "Extend Insert to Delete" and "Extend Insert on Limited Lic."
in the Security Setup. This makes it more correct compared to
reserved or system tables.
Database and Windows Access Controls are now calculated from the
Login form.
Small corrections to Editable/InLineEditing.
ES 1.00.47 (Released 2010 7/22)
It is now possible to edit Roles directly without the
InLineEditing function. The Role Details is also created
automatically when the Role Builder is enabled.
It is now possible to skip transactions when doing a recording.
The 3.70 menu has been updated to match the current MenuSuite.
ES 1.00.46 (Released 2010 7/21)
Integration with History and Security Management has been
added. The modifications done to Permissions by History and Security
Management is now integrated in Easy Security. An extra FOB-file is
required to be imported for the integration to work.
A small problem with the maintenance of the Origin field in a
recording has been corrected.
The testing of requirements has been modified to not include system
ES 1.00.45 (Released 2010 6/12)
A new function Add New Recording has been added to the Role
to easily make a correction to a role.
During a recording is a FlowField calculation identified. This allow
for building roles with Indirect permissions.
Summary Permissions is now also calculated for Recordings.
The Recording Permissions was not displayed properly in other
ES 1.00.44 (Released 2010 6/8)
Summary Permissions can now be created for Logins based on
Windows Groups. The Windows Group must be copied when connected to
the Active Directory. The Windows Group Member table is not copied
as part of the Restore Point for the same reason.
Summary Permissions can now be updated centrally from a new form
similar to publishing.
The MenuSuite has been moved to 52 and 1052 to avoid collision with
several Add-ons.
ES 1.00.43 (Released 2010 6/7)
Login Permissions has been renamed to Summary Permissions.
It is now possible to create Summary Permissions for Roles and Role
ES 1.00.42 (Released 2010 6/6)
It is now possible to Limit all objects by default in
Object Level Permissions. The Limited Access Objects can then be
used for allowing access to object instead of limiting objects. The
field Object Level Permissions is used to control this.
Created by User and Created Date/Time has been added to several
tables. A new key has also been added to allow sorting by Created at
The Where-used functions can now be used from the Restore Point
Some field was editable by a mistake. This has been changed.
ES 1.00.41 (Released 2010 6/4)
The Role Permissions was not converted correct to Role
Builder Permissions in some cases, This has been changed.
ES 1.00.40 (Released 2010 6/3)
Import of DateTime fields was not possible. This has been
ES 1.00.39 (Released 2010 6/2)
The Print and Compare Page was not working properly for the
RoleTailored Client. This has been changed.
A timer function has been added to the recording of permissions
using the Client Monitor. This can prevent overflow with too many
transactions. The code has also been restructured to use a temporary
table to improve performance when a recording is stopped.
ES 1.00.38 (Released 2010 5/24)
All features has been thoroughly tested and small
adjustments have been added. The product is now fully functional and
all features included from the original specification for NAV Easy
A test function has been added to the Publish of permissions. This
will ensure the Live and Easy Security data is based on similar
users and objects.
ES 1.00.37 (Released 2010 5/20)
The maintenance of Roles has been updated. When using
recordings and other permissions will that be directly on the Role.
Several changes to naming based on the new concept.
Print and Compare is now fully functional for Logins, Roles,
Recordings and Restore Points.
MenuItems has been removed to make the application simpler.
Many more small improvements.
ES 1.00.23 (Released 2010 5/7)
Conversion codeunit 14123781 must be executed in all companies
before importing the new objects.
Better consistency in the usage of Role ID in Role Structure.
The Role Structure Nos. field has been deleted in the ES Security
Improvements to menu items and added count flowfields.
About Easy Security has been added.
Removed unused variables.
ES 1.00 (Released 2010 4/5)