
RTC Bootcamp

With all the new features available for users on RoleTailored Client, there are a number of new items which developers and designers need to consider and learn. The RTC Boot Camp is intended to teach these new features and technical skills over a period of four days. The attendees must be programmers and be very familiar with the application that is being transformed to the RoleTailored Client. Programmers will receive training on the tools, processes and technical aspects of the 3-tier environment. By the end of the Bootcamp, they will utilize their knowledge of the new application to shift a large portion of the original application to working within the RoleTailored Client. There will not be enough time to complete the transformation; however, a plan can be established to complete the required work. The best aspect of the RTC Bootcamp is that the skills learned will be repeated and refined in the final version of the application.

The RoleTailored interface of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 has many benefits for application users. With Role Centers, FactBoxes, and simplified processes due to fewer promoted actions, as well as many more features available for the programmer. What is more, there is a big improvement for the time required to learn and to work with the application. The level of customization available both per role and also for each user adds another level of improvement compared to the previous interface, Classic Client.

RTC Bootcamp focuses on transforming forms to pages. The starting point is an ISV product, or customer application, that has been moved to NAV 2009 SP1 Classic Client. In order for batch jobs to be processed at the Service Tier the reports require some transformation. This normally is accomplished by simplifying the RDL (Report Design Language) design. It should be noted that the RTC Bootcamp does not cover how to transform complicated reports.

RTC Bootcamp schedule

Before Bootcamp: (Preparation)
Training: Self-study of the technical changes for the 3-Tier setup.
Tasks: Upload version of Classic Application for review.

Day 1: (Clean-up and Basic transformation)
Training: RoleTailored Client
Tasks: Installing 3-Tier environment, Setup of TIF Tool, Primary Data like Form Type and Card Form ID, Running Transformation, Comparing and testing the result, Debugging Transformation and Logs.

Day 2: (Promoted Actions and Essential Fields, Adding FactBoxes)
Training: How to design a FactBox and using the Mergetool for Promoted Actions and Essential Fields.
Tasks: Create Data for Promoted Actions and assign Promotion level and Image, Assign Essential Fields, Create a few FactBoxes and link them in the application

Day 3: (MenuSuite, Role Centers and processing batch jobs)
Training: How to transform a MenuSuite, Creating a Role Center, Transformation of reports and batch jobs.
Tasks: Build transformed MenuSuite. Create a Role Center based on the tasks in the solution. Transform a Batch job with basic layout.

Day 4: (Refining the result and estimating the remaining tasks and time)
Training: How to deal with forms that do not transform and the process of releasing the objects.
Tasks: Editing Data and Code to refine transformation. Create an overview of missing/impossible objects and the ways to proceed.  Estimate the time required to finish.

After Bootcamp: (Follow-up and Questions)
Training: Q&A and review of application
Tasks: Continued refining and clean-up of the product for a good quality release.

Attendees and schedule

RTC Bootcamp is intended for developers and very technical designers. It is not a training class for the implementation of RoleTailored Client, such a course would require a much longer timeframe if it were expected to accomplish its goals. Typically, the course consists of 2-3 people, plus an instructor. This amount of participants allows for everyone to work in parallel and to get a lot done. Ideally, the class is held away from an office to avoid constant interruptions for phone calls and support requests. We believe that working in a conference room or at an off-site location can improve the effectiveness of the course.

Case Study

With’s RTC Bootcamp, itSuitsFashion gets to market—in record time

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  • Contact us for pricing and availability