
Using NAS to Publish Permissions

With the NAS Processing Entries, a Navision Application Server can publish permissions and do other tasks in Easy Security that require a very high level of security. This solves the problem of IT personnel maintaining security without having access to the accounting and other data inside NAV. In the company with the Easy Security data, they can have full access (like "SUPER (DATA)") but have no access to other companies. With the tracking abilities of Easy Security, all changes to permissions and users are tracked.

The NAS is using the Job Queue interface to initialize the processes in Easy Security. The user that is the login for the NAS needs to be a SUPER user to perform the tasks required for changing permissions.

With a very small customization, this can also allow for running the publish or creating a restore point every night.

For more information, see this video: Using the NAS for processing in Easy Security - Logins and Permissions

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